The name Diwaniyah appeared, and its reputation spread and was mentioned many times in the seventh decade of the twelfth century AH.
It was mentioned by Western and Eastern writers and tourists and the first to describe it is “Dr. Adam Ives” in his journey, which began in 1754 AD and ended in 1758 AD, and the most important of what was mentioned in it is the following:
“He traveled from Basra to Baghdad via the Euphrates River, and on his way, he described the cities located on it, including Al-Samawah, Malamum, and Diwaniyah. ‘
Al-Diwaniyah was mentioned in the book of the tourist “Abraham Parsons,” on a trip he made from Hilla to Basra across the Euphrates River, in which he described al-Malam and that it is located south of Diwaniyah in 1774 CE. [6]
In the book “Tal`a al-Saud al-Muqisasah”, the Diwaniyah was mentioned after the author of the book gave his speech in the era of the exodus of the ruler Suleiman Pasha to discipline Khuza’a because it showed disobedience.
“When the governor went down with his army west of the Euphrates opposite Al-Diwaniyah, the entire Khuza’a tribes feared him in the period between 1195 AH – 1780 AD. ‘
In the same book, he said on the Diwaniyah:
“Dawoud Pasha during the days of Saed Pasha’s ministry in the year 1229 AH – 1813 CE appeared to discipline the tribes and walked until he descended in the direction of Diwaniyah at the headquarters of the Khuza’a clan, the Rafidiyah.”
As for the author of the book Qurat al-Ain fi The History of the Island, Iraq, and the Two Rivers, he described it as follows:
“Al-Diwaniyah, on the eastern side of the Euphrates, between Hilla and Samawah, is a rich city, its markets are good, its people are Arabs and Islam, and most of them are Twelver Imamate. It is (i.e. the Diwaniyah) a divan of the Khuza’a tribe that they established in the eleventh century AH. ‘
Perhaps he wanted Al-Hasakah with it, because in the eleventh century AH, the Diwaniyah did not exist, but rather its name was known and its reputation spread after that century.

During the past two decades, and due to all the factors that affected the region from wars, displacement, and neglect, the city of Diwaniyah has become one of the poorest Iraqi provinces, as it lacks the simplest factors of decent living that are supposed to provide for its people and simple inhabitants.
And because we cannot change the entire reality, but we aspire to achieve part of the required change, even if this change is simple, and from this standpoint and given the importance of this city in our Iraqi heritage, the Nakhleh project guarantees part of the palms of Diwaniyah Governorate to sponsor it within the project and in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq and the Association Iraqi private banks for the year 2020, where 1096 palm trees were sponsored in coordination with the Municipality of Diwaniyah Center and the Highway Directorate in the province; For the advancement of the agricultural and economic reality of the governorate, it was agreed on this joint work because it is considered one of the highest governorates of Iraq in poverty and unemployment.
This work came to contribute to reducing unemployment and to contribute to raising their material income by employing the people of the province and its experts in the agricultural sector and employing them in the project for a full year.
Taking care of palms in Diwaniyah Governorate was not an easy task this season, especially with the presence of the Covid-19  pandemic in the air, imposing a curfew and preventing movement in the streets and between the governorates, but Nakhla team, in cooperation with the competent security and health authorities, was able to obtain security and health approvals that allow us to move Between places with greater ease and safety, with attention to health protection and the instructions of the Iraqi Ministry of Health and the Crisis Committee .
Today, it has become easy to distinguish the palms that were taken care of by the Nakhla project and its team from the rest of the palms, because our palms have grown with love, and our honor is due.
And because we honor her, so she honors us, our family shared with us in honoring her, so we honored them.