Can a palm tree develop AI services?
During our previous years of work in the governorate of Baghdad, the work team noticed some things that must be taken into consideration in terms of palm care, as it was previously known that each governorate has its timings for the ripening of the fruits in their palms according to the nature of the weather and the temperature in them, but we noticed that this rule does not apply only in the different governorates, but it can be applied within the framework of the same governorate and in different cities too and according to the difference of other factors such as humidity, the type of soil in which the date palm is grown and all other weather factors that may affect the period of fruit ripening and the extent Its quality.
We cannot deny the importance of this matter and its impact on the time and effort required to take care of all the palms that we aspire to take care of in our coming years.
Therefore, and because we always strive for excellence, innovating the best modern methods, and keeping pace with development in everything related to providing our integrated agricultural services for palm trees, today our project has devised methods of collecting data that enable us to know everything the palm needs at the time it needs it, and what operations are required to be performed within A specific time frame, in addition to facilitating the site detection mechanism for the date palm to identify its diseases or pests, if any, all through the artificial intelligence feature.
Thus, NAKHLA Project is the first agricultural project that uses the artificial intelligence feature in caring for the palm by receiving all the data sent from the palm to the company system and then processing it and taking it out in the form of the agricultural requirements that our dear palm trees need.
And thus we have saved a lot of time, effort, and financial costs that a palm tree requires to take care of it. In addition to knowing all kinds of diseases that can infect the palm tree and methods of treating and preventing them.
Thus, our palm trees are as beautiful, healthy, and tall as they should be.
By: Muntather Al-Kaabi
Head of data analysis and AI department